Hosted by Fernhill Heath WI, Eleanor Marsden, president, welcomed 83 members to the Corbett Group spring meeting.

Margaret Bazley's treasurer's report showed a very healthy account and the possibility of giving yet another Denman bursary in the autumn, looked very promising.

Doreen Jeeves, WI adviser, encouraged everyone to consider taking on the role of group co-ordinator, or to encourage their fellow WI members to think about it, at their next monthly meetings. She reminded everyone that the Corbett Group had enjoyed their spring and autumn meetings and other activities for many years, and said it would be very sad if these were to fail, simply for the lack of a group co-ordinator.

She said that the post was not onerous, it gave one the opportunity to meet even more members, and to have a fun time in the process.

The first speaker of the evening was Shirley Cadman, a member of the federation's home economics and craft committee. Shirley explained the history of the craft collection which contained modern pieces as well as some antique pieces of work, and invited everyone to view the display that she and two colleagues had kindly brought along. I was reminded of how very fortunate we are in Worcestershire to have such talented and dedicated volunteer members of federation committees, who give up their time to entertain and further the aims of this wonderful organisation.

The second speaker of the evening was Steven Bruce, an independent auctioneer who gave an enthusiastic and amusing talk on auctioneering, sharing his thoughts with us on TV antique and collectable shows, along with advice on how to get the best out of eBay.

He told us what to be wary of, whenever buying, and how we should buy items that give us pleasure now and learn about them and not to think of them in terms of investments for the future. Many of the members had brought treasured items along for valuation, and Steven gladly obliged. One member had a lovely gold chained evening purse, the design of which Steven Bruce had not previously seen, and which he valued at around £400.

Both speakers were thanked warmly for their talks and Eleanor and the members of Fernhill Heath, for hosting a delightful evening. The refreshments were delicious and the quiz, an antiques anagram quiz, cleverly devised by Eleanor Marsden, was won by members of Crowle WI.