NO garden should be without tulips, whether you just have room for a few in a pot or a big enough area for a stunning display.

They are the majestic queens of spring in colours from white, red and yellow to peach and deep burgundy.

My personal favourite is Tulipa Queen of Night, whose almost deep purple, almost black flowers contrast effectively with acid green foliage and the wine gum colours of wallflowers.

Good cut flower varieties include T. Christmas Dream, which is a light raspberry colour, while if you want pillar box red, go for the robust Red Riding Hood, whose leaves are broad and streaked with maroon marbled markings. You can also buy dwarf varieties for the rockery such as Dream Boat, whose orange flowers are tinted with red.

Tulips like well-drained soil in full sun. Bulbs should be planted in November at a depth of around 15cm (6in).

Some varieties can be left in the ground after flowering, but check on the label because others will need to be lifted and stored until late autumn.