THE County Air Ambulance is calling on Worcester-shire's parish councils to donate money to fund the vital service.

The charity, which needs £3.5 million a year, hopes to attract support from as many parish councils as possible.

Paul Weir, fund-raising development manager, said they regarded parish councils as a vital link in the future development of the air ambulance.

He said: "County Air Am-bulance operates in predominately rural areas of the region in which parish councils remain an integral part of the local community.

"We want as many parish councils as possible to financially support the charity on behalf of local parishioners."

He has written to parish councils in the area asking them to make a donation.

Cilla Cameron, chairman of Eckington Parish Council, said she was not aware that a letter had been received but said the council would discuss whether it would be able to support the service at a forthcoming meeting.

She said: "I can't really say for definite we would donate X amount of pounds to the charity but we do have a lot of village fund-raisers where money is donated to the air ambulance."

Les Bishop chairman of Warndon Parish Council, Worcester, said he had not received a letter but would discuss the matter at the May meeting.

For more details call the County Air Ambulance's charity office on 01384 241133.