WORCESTER'S Citizens Advice Bureau is desperate for more volunteers to come forward for training.

The Hopmarket branch of the free advice network aims to train up to 20 new advisors every year to meet the demand from people who need help with problems such as debt, eviction and relationship breakdown.

Currently only one volunteer has signed up for the next training group, which starts in May - and if more do not come forward, the group fears it will struggle to cope.

Bureau manager Michael Gardner said: "We really want to encourage more people to think about volunteering. We need people who can make a regular commitment and are able to give up some time each week to make a difference to their community."

Basic Citizens Advice Bureau training lasts about three months and involves observing experienced advisers working with clients, attending group sessions with a tutor, and studying by yourself at home.

Recent volunteer Vanna Di Placito said: "I love the work. It's great to feel that you are helping people and the training for new advisers is fantastic."

Training starts on Thursday, May 10, and will involve attending a bureau two days a week from then onwards, initially for training and then to work as a member of the advice team.

Anyone interested in volunteering at Worcester can call Alison or Rachel on 01905 744592 or e-mail bureau @worcestercab.cabnet.org.uk