A WORCESTER-based charity has appealed for minibus owners to come to its rescue during the weekend of the London Marathon.

Leukemia CARE needs two vehicles to take 24 staff and volunteers to the event, on Sunday, April 22, where they will greet their runners after the race.

Fund-raising assistant Alice Watts said: "We hold a post-race party every year for our marathon runners to show them how much we appreciate their incredible efforts on our behalf.

"We give them food and drink, somewhere to rest their weary legs and they even get a much needed rub-down from the massage therapy students from North East Worcestershire College, Bromsgrove, who volunteer to help us each year.

"It's always a good atmosphere, but with about 160 runners and their supporters, we need to take down lots of volunteers to make the reception a success."

The minibuses would be needed from Saturday evening to enable an early start on Sunday morning.

The Worcester branch of the national charity provides care and support to patients, families and carers through the diagnosis and treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and blood disorders.

Anyone who can help can call Alice Watts or Nicky Sargent on 0870 7743667.

For more information about the charity, or becoming a volunteer, call 01905 755977 or visit www. leukaemiacare.org.uk