TIME is running out for making your opinions heard on plans that could see 62,300 new homes built across the county.

To date, only about 300 completed questionnaires and letters have been sent to the West Midlands Regional Assembly from across the region.

The proposals set out in the Regional Spatial Strategy mean that Worcester could get 16,800 new homes, Malvern 6,300, Wychavon 14,100, Wyre Forest 4,700, Bromsgrove 7,200 and Redditch 13,200.

Exactly how many homes and where they will be built is currently up for consultation but the closing date for sending your opinions is Monday, March 5.

Jo Kite, spokeswoman for the assembly, said: "The responses we've received so far are from individuals and collective responses from pressure groups and resident groups.

"Experience tells us from previous consultations that we will get a lot on in the last few days because businesses or local authorities are still collecting their evidence."

To contribute your views complete an online questionnaire at www.wmra. gov.uk/ wmrss or contact the assembly on 0121 245 0200 or e-mail to wmrss@wmra.gov.uk to request a hard copy of the document and questionnaire.

Alternatively write to Rose Poulter, West Midlands Regional Assembly, Regional Partnership Centre, Albert House, Quay Place, 92-93 Edward Street, Birmingham B1 2RA.