DESPITE the bitterly cold weather, which had finally arrived, the February meeting was well attended. Members were reminded about Jumpers Galore - at the next two meetings they could help to fill a box with such items as new underwear, jumpers and soap for Jackie Gregory to send to The Gambia after her coffee morning on Thursday, April 26.

The president, Janet Marshall, introduced Steve and Helen Willis on a welcome return visit to present a lively, informative and entertaining travelogue, which included superb photography of their travels in India in 2005.

Their stately Ambassador and its driver Mahendra had taken them from Delhi to explore the palaces and forts of Rajasthan, as well as the awe-inspiring Taj Mahal. They went on to experience the breathtaking landscape of Jammu and Kashmir, trekking at high altitudes, visiting remote Buddhist monasteries clinging to mountainsides, and in Punjab the holy site of the Golden Temple of Amritsar. In addition to learning about the landscape of these regions, members appreciated Steve's anecdotes about travel, food and the Indian way of life.

After a vote of thanks, a competition was held to judge members' own favourite holiday scenes, the winner being a striking photo taken in Egypt.