SAMPLE the delights of international cuisine at a free event in Worcester next weekend.

The Flavours of the Arboretum event on Saturday, October 18 will feature a range of Bangladeshi, Eastern European, Portuguese, Pakistani, English and vegetarian food made by people living in the neighbourhood, one of the most multicultural areas of Worcester.

The event at Worcester Bowling Club in Wood Terrace has been arranged by the Arboretum Residents Association and is part of a wider project aiming to increase links within the community.

Richard Fishbourne, one of the drivers behind the Arboretum Community Engagement project, said it was hoped the event, which will run from 6pm until 9pm on a drop-in basis, would be the first of a series of food-based events in the area.

“We have sampled the food and it’s all delicious,” he said. “Essentially it’s an opportunity to for local people to enjoy a lovely free meal and chat to one another.”

To reserve a place at the event pick up a form from Virk’s Newsagents in Northfield Street.