A SECONDARY school has earned a prestigious national award.

There is cause for celebration at Hanley Castle High School after it was rewarded Artsmark Gold by Arts Council England.

Gold award status shows the school is dedicated to teaching in arts and culture and offers lots of opportunities for pupils.

Head of drama Suzy Parker co-ordinated the school's bid for the award.

She said: "It's a recognition of the good job we do here.

"We couldn't have got this award if we hadn't been supported by pupils, parents and staff.

"We didn't do it just to get a little badge, it's about offering pupils high quality arts education."

The award shows the school's commitment to dance, art, music and drama.

Hanley Castle was praised for the arts work it shares with the local community and the use of the arts in non-arts subjects.

Leadership possibilities for students within the arts and the impact of on pupil's well-being were also highlighted.

As part of the application process, the school devised an Arts Policy, which states "we believe that the arts strengthen a sense of community and as a result they sit at the heart of our school".

Year 12 pupil Daisy Dixon said she "loves performing and singing" and gets ample opportunities to do so at Hanley Castle.

Every two years, a school show is performed, while the Hanley's Got Talent showcase is an annual event.

There are also regular opportunities for pupils to take part in music and drama performances.

Fellow Lower Sixth student Jack Walton said the school's arts provision had helped him thrive.

He said: "I came here without anyone else from my school but when I went to do the school shows that helped build my confidence.

"If it wasn't for Miss Parker and other teachers I wouldn't have the confidence I do now."

Headteacher Lindsey Cooke said: "It's really important that all of the hard work from staff and students is recognised.

"A school which just focuses on the academic side is only half a school.

"The highlight of last year was undoubtedly the performance of Grease which drew together all of the best things from the school.

"There were the pupils on stage singing, dancing and acting and others working backstage.

"It transformed the school and it's not something that wears off quickly."