Tom loves Winter and all the skating, skiing and sledging activity it brings, especially in the company of a new friend. His Nana, on the other hand, is old and waits for warmer Spring.

A magical picture of snow and ice is painted paying special attention to the beauty of nature's patterns in snowflakes, frost and icicles. But, the cameos of Tom and his Nana in warm colours demonstrate the love Tom has for the elderly woman.

The acts of love Tom carries out for his Nana penetrates the Winter Child's heart and he realises he must give up his enjoyment of winter play for another year, and, thinking of others, allow Spring's warmer weather to arrive.

The last double page spread of Winter in all its glory is beautiful, which makes the illustration of Spring on the final spread even more of a shock as the contrast is so immense.

This book is best read with children, allowing for an extended dialogue between adult and child of not only what can be seen hidden in the illustrations, but also of love, family and friendship. In school it could be used for PHSE, at home it prepares for a discussion to consider the feelings of others over selfish desires.

The illustrations and text complement one another and allow the reader to feel the emotions of all characters.

In the award-winning partnership with illustrator Grahame Baker-Smith, they have produced a stunning masterpiece.


This book was published by Templar Publishing and is available to buy for £12.99. It can also be borrowed from The Hive as well as other Worcestershire libraries. Click here to check availability and check it out.