RESIDENTS of Pershore can now enjoy their best ever train service to London, thanks to a 12-year campaign by a local rail promotion group.

Every First Great Western train running between Wor-cester and the capital will now stop at Pershore.

The new timetable - with 15 trains a day in each direction stopping at the town's station - started this week.

Derek Potter, chairman of the Cotswold Line Promotion Group (CLPG) which has been battling for better services since 1994, said after the Beeching cuts of the 1960s, Pershore was reduced to just one train a day in each direction and the station was in danger of closing.

Then in 1993 Thames Trains introduced a two-car train se-rvice to London from Per-shore which revived the station's fortunes and since then the CLPG has pressed for better services.

"This is one of the most significant changes to train services between Worcester and Paddington. It is not quite an hourly service but we are working to eventually have an hourly service. At present we have two or three gaps in the day."

The group held a meeting in Pershore to launch the new service and give passengers an opportunity to raise other issues with First Great Western passengers.

Mr Potter said the main complaints were about the poor quality of the public address system at Pershore station and delays and cancellations to services.

"There is a major problem with the public address system and how people know what is happening with delayed or cancelled trains and whether they should make alternative arrangements for travel.

"The system is not foolproof and not as good as it needs to be," said Mr Potter.

He added that the CLPG tries to be constructive with its criticism and put forward the best possible solution to try and improve rail services incrementally.

"As a way of getting around the country the rail system is good but it is not a great system yet."

For more details on timetables visit www.firstgreat