WITH the clocks going back and the nights getting darker, police have launched a winter burglary campaign this week.

Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police's Darker Nights campaign is set to run until early January 2014.

One of the top tips homeowners can do to keep burglars at bay is to make it look like someone is at home.

Superintendent Graeme Pallister, crime manager for Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police, said : “A house in darkness gives a strong indication to burglars that there is no one at home.

“So we are urging people to turn a light on at home if it will be dark before they get home from work.

“One of the best ways to do this is to use timer switches, which can be set to come on at specific times.”

Electric timer switches will be distributed to vulnerable homes by Safer Neighbourhood Teams as well as postcards with home security tips.

Supt Pallister said: “Domestic burglary has been steadily falling throughout Warwickshire and West Mercia but, in common with the rest of the country, we do see a small spike in the number of burglaries in people’s homes around the time that the clocks go back in recent years.

“This is why we want people to make sure they carry out a few simple steps to reduce the chances of being burgled.”

People are also advised to lock doors, patios and windows even when they are in and again before going to bed.

They are also told to set burglar alarms, not to leave car keys, ID cards or valuables near windows, doors or letterboxes and not to leave tools lying around the garden which could be used to break in to a house.

People should also mark their items with Smartwater and register valuable items on the free national property register www.immobilise.com.