A POPULAR fireworks display will return to Worcester this year despite doubts being raised about its future.

The Friends of Red Hill Primary school were unsure whether the annual fireworks night at the school, in Midhurst Close, could carry on because of rising insurance costs and the bowing out of two stalwart volunteers. Last year’s event was eventually saved and now the future is looking bright after local businesses came forward to offer their support again this year.

Duncan Sutcliffe, of Sutcliffe & Co Insurance Brokers, in Foundry Street, acted after spotting the story in your Worcester News last year. He has organised a reduction in the insurance costs and waived his brokerage fee, saving the event a total of £250.

Mr Sutcliffe said: “My family and I have many fond memories of taking our children to the event and it would have been a real loss to the community if it were to cease. As a Worcester resident and a Worcester business, I saw that I might be able to help keep the event going.” Also prepared to help was Pro-Fascia Roofline and Windows, of London Road, Worcester, which has made a generous contribution to the event costs.

The company’s sponsorship means organisers can bring in Jubilee Fireworks, a professional fireworks display business, to fill the gap left by volunteers Pete Pedrick and Warwick Taylor, who had put on the display for the past 14 years.

This year’s event will be held on at 7pm on Friday, November 8, and includes a musical fireworks display, a barbecue and bar. Tickets are available on the night or by calling 01905 352524.