EVEN in the week of the royal christening, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were not too busy to send a letter of thanks to children in Malvern.

To celebrate the birth of Prince George this summer, a group of children sent the royal youngster and his proud parents their very own special gift in the shape of a colourful string of hand-made bunting.

About 30 children took part in a workshop to make the bunting and organiser Josephine Murray said she was surprised and delighted when a letter of thanks popped through her letterbox.

“I wasn’t expecting a thank you letter as I’m sure Prince George received hundreds of presents,” said Ms Murray.

“It’s lovely that their Royal Highnesses made time to make sure that Malvern children were thanked personally for their special present.”

The letter, from Miguel Head, the Duke of Cambridge’s private secretary, said: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have asked me to write and thank you very much for the beautiful bunting made by children in Malvern, which you so kindly sent on the occasion of the birth of their son, Prince George.

“The Duke and Duchess would have me send their warmest thanks and best wishes to you and to all the children involved in producing such a creative gift.”

Ms Murray, who runs her own web shop called Rain Starts Play, said: “It was very exciting to receive a letter with the red ER stamp and Buckingham Palace postmark on the envelope. I knew immediately that it was a thank you.”

The workshop took place at Wilkinsons, in Edith Walk, Malvern, in July.

Materials for the bunting were donated by local businesses Gordon Smith, Kalliste, Stitch 45, Malvern Curtains and Wilkinsons.