A WORLD record attempt to raise money for Children in Need is banding people together to help make the longest string of bunting.

BBC Hereford and Worcester have a history of breaking records for charity but this time they have set themselves the challenge of creating three-and-a-half miles of bunting – half a mile longer than the current Guinness World Record.

Assistant editor Mark Hellings said: “About 100 individuals are making bunting but various Women’s Institutes are joining in. There’s a group in Malvern, some girl guides and even farmers.”

On Friday, November 15, everyone who has cut, stitched or personalised pennants, will meet at Avon Hall at the Three Counties Showground, in Malvern, to join the lengths together.

Mr Hellings said: “The idea is to get together and join the bunting together and we will hopefully come in at more than three miles of bunting to break the record and then split it up to sell to raise money. We’ll be there from the morning until late into the evening getting it all together.”

Pudsey Bear has even been helping some of the groups getting involved such as the Droitwich Sparkles WI which is adorning pennants with its name.

Club president Fiona Lloyd said: “Our members have come along with material, scissors and a sewing machine. We are going to put our name Sparkles on some of the flags.”

Record breaking organiser Mandi Harris also joined Pudsey and said the enthusiasm of the ladies was infectious. “I am always amazed how people come forward for our world record attempts, this will be the fourth one we have set,” she said.

“The Sparkles have been brilliant in the way they have got stuck in, and we want many other organisations, groups and individuals to come and help us.”

Meanwhile volunteers in Malvern were sewing at a workshop in the Courtyard Shopping Experience, Belle Vue Terrace, when Pudsey visited them to drape some of the pennants on the Elgar statue on Belle Vue Island.

Stitch 45, Worcester Road, Great Malvern, is hosting the next workshop tomorrow as the attempt to beat the national Guinness World Record continues.

A total of 23,000 pennants will need to be made for the record attempt.

Anyone who wants to help the record attempt can call Mandi Harris on 01905 748485.