A GROUP of up-and-coming young artists studying at Worcester Sixth Form College put their work on show at a city architects.

The new talent in art exhibition was held at the offices of DJD Group Architects in St Oswald’s Road, Worcester.

The display saw more than 30 art and design students show off their creations in the show, which has run since 2007.

The work on show was selected by Kevin Davis, of DJD, who directed an art and design private view event at the college over the summer, and the firm’s David Davis, who is also a member of the college’s governing body and said he felt the students’ work deserved to be seen in a wider arena.

“The works are displayed at our offices for much of the summer culminating in the new talent evening attended by students and families, together with guests of DJD Architects and the college,”

he said.

“DJD Architects is pleased to be associated with Worcester Sixth Form College and to support the talented students and the staff who encourage and guide them.”

During the event former student Alex Tonks, who took A-level 3D design at the college and has been accepted to Kingston University to study architecture, was presented with a cash prize for the quality of his work.

College art and design teacher Charlie Kimberley said: “Alex had a really comprehensive body of work and clearly showed the strong connections he was making with architecture.

“His work has a very contemporary edge and a strong identity. It was a great evening and we were glad that so many students were able to make the event and see their work in a professional setting.”