A TIGHT-KNIT Worcester community came together and raised £1,000 for poverty stricken children abroad.

On Saturday, the Save an Orphan day was held at the Community Centre in Midland Road, Worcester.

Friends of organiser Najamal Ahmed came together to support the important cause by hosting stalls, selling food and refreshments and having fun.

They filled the community centre from 1pm and raised enough money to support one child abroad for three years, who doesn’t have anyone else to help them.

“It is a year long commitment of £300 to sponsor a child or £900 for three years,” Mrs Ahmed. “I think no child should be without education. We are so lucky in this country because we have free education and free health care and medical bills.

“A lot of people can’t afford that care abroad, but clean water and a roof are things a child should have.

“Three hundred pounds a year works out as £25 a month. If five people get together it is only £5 a month. The event was attended by the Mayor of Worcester, Councillor Pat Agar, who said she was delighted to see such amazing community spirit.

“Najamal has been doing this for a number of years now,” said Coun Agar. “Anything we can do to assist is marvellous. I think this is a cause anybody feels must be worthwhile. “The women here are real community activists. They are the glue that holds this community together. This is just an example of that.”

Sharon Amos, youth community worker at the centre, added: “It was a great day. The Save an Orphan chap was so overwhelmed when we presented him the money at the end of the day.

“We were pleased to have raised enough for one child over three years and a bit to put towards supporting another.”

For more information on Save an Orphan visit save-anorphanglobal.org or call 0208 4720733.