A CHARITY dedicated to rescuing, caring for and rehoming ferrets is embracing modern technology in a bid to raise more funds.

Droitwich Ferret Welfare has launched a scheme where a text message will feed a ferret for a week. All you need to do is text furo - which is an ancient word for ferret - to 84858, to donate £3.

The texts are charged at a standard rate, and you will receive two confirmation messages, charged at £1.50 each.

The charity's secretary Anne Robinson said: "We are one of the first animal charities in the country to use the power of the mobile phone and text messaging to raise more funds."

She said the ferrets enjoy a diet of specialist high-protein biscuits, fresh chicken and cucumbers.

Mrs Robinson said the charity had experienced a fantastic year, finding loving homes for about 200 ferrets since January - which is a record number of success stories in its three-year history.

"Ferrets are becoming amazingly popular - not only as pets to keep outside in the garden but also as house pets," she said.

"They are very playful and intelligent and fit in with people's lifestyles.

"They are the sort of animal you have to put some time into, but they are incredibly rewarding."

Mrs Robinson said many ferrets that come to the centre have suffered neglect, often because people do not know how to care for them. "We have found that there is a lot of ignorance about ferrets and they quite often suffer because of neglect, perhaps more than deliberate cruelty," she said.

"For example people don't realise that when female ferrets come into season in the spring, they cannot come out of it by themselves.

"Either they have got to be mated - which we would discourage, spayed or can have a hormone injection from the vet.

"If nothing is done they will develop oestrogen-induced anaemia, which means a long, slow death."

The centre, which is based at Mrs Robinson's house on the outskirts of Droitwich, will not be rehoming pets over Christmas, however anyone interested in offering a ferret a home in the new year can call 01905 796050 or e-mail chestnuts@supanet.com