FOLLOWING news the number of jobseekers in Worcester has dipped to a five-year low further praise has been heaped on the city’s economy.

Worcester was this week highlighted by the Financial Times as an area bucking the financial trend with hints of an economic recovery.

The national paper called the city a “decent barometer for the country as a whole” and visited various businesses in the area showing signs of growth.

Among them was renewable energy firm Green Lighting whose managing director Anthony Ottway said the firm expanded into Worcester’s Great Western Business Park earlier this year with plans to launch three new products next year.

The feature comes on the back of Thursday’s news that just 2,073 Worcester ad-ults are now claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance, the lowest since December 2008.

On the back of the positive news, Worcestershire Cou-nty Council is reminding businesses about its one-stop business support service called Worcestershire.Bus-iness.Central .

The authority says it has helped more than 700 businesses through its helpdesk since its launch in February.

It includes a newsletter keeping businesses up-to-date with business news, funding opportunities and success stories from around the county.

County Council leader Adrian Hardman said: “This newsletter is one of the ways that we are helping businesses to flourish in the county, pointing the way to funding sources and support.

“I would encourage everyone in business to sign up so that they don't miss out on the information on offer.”

To receive the newsletter visit