A WOMAN has completed a skydive in memory of her teenage brother who died suddenly ten years ago.

Victoria Exall took to the skies above the Nevada Desert, near Las Vegas, to mark the tenth anniversary of James Shiels’ death.

The Worcester youngster was just 18 when he died, following a sudden stroke while mowing the lawn at a friend’s house.

“It hit us like a sledgehammer,” said his mum, Julie Shiels, who lives in Barbourne. “There was no warning. We thought it was only old people who got strokes.”

Victoria took the plunge along with her husband, Gavin, who bought her the American skydive experience as a birthday present.

“I’m extremely proud of her for doing the skydive,” her mum added.

“I just cried when I was told she’d done it. I know she was frightened and nervous about it. Hopefully it will help people realise that strokes can happen to anyone at any age.”

Mrs Exall admitted she was scared on the morning of her jump, and that her mood wasn’t lifted by news the organisers had mixed the timings up and she’d have to wait a further five hours before she could get up in the air.

She said: “They put us on first in the next time slot which was lucky because those after us couldn’t do it because of a dust storm.

“I was scared beforehand but I really enjoyed it and would probably do it again.”

The 30-year-old jumped from 10,000 feet, the first 6,000 feet of which were taken in freefall.

“It all started about ten months ago,” added Mrs Exall, who also lives in Barbourne. “We were having a meal and I said to Gavin I wanted to do something big to mark the ten-year anniversary of James’ death.

“I jokingly mentioned a skydive, which Gavin then bought me for my 30th. I was shocked.”

The jump has so far raised almost £1,000 for the Stroke Association.