ANDREW Grant, the president of Worcester Conservatives, caused a stir this week when he sent out a letter claiming gay marriage would confuse children and offend teachers, who in his eyes could not possibly approve of reading pupils stories of same-sex people getting hitched.

The letter went to all of Worcestershire’s MPs and this newspaper and led to ‘mixed’ views from our online readers.

But if the panning he got from our keyboard warriors may have struck a nerve, he might want to gain an insight into what his party MPs made of it.

Word reaches The Source that Mr Grant has been “bombarding” them with letters for the last several months repeatedly outlining his opposition to it, so much so that one county MP has stopped reading them altogether.

As one observes: “He seems strangely obsessed with this issue.”

Mind you, Mr Grant does appear to be doing his job in reflecting the views and feelings of many Conservative party members.

Our poll on the issue found 53 per cent were against gay marriage, while 43 per cent backed it and four per cent did not know.

It’s divided the Tory party – but it’s also divided the nation.

TALKING about our MPs, Harriett Baldwin is making an appearance at Alfrick Village Hall later this month, where she will be hosting a £10-ahead Ploughman’s supper discussing her eight favourite discs from her time ‘on a remote island’.

One can only assume these wonderful ditties will feature somewhere: Sittin’ on a fence, by The Rolling Stones; for not being able to make her mind up about gay marriage, only to reveal on the day of the vote she was abstaining altogether.

You Deserve Nothing and I Hope You Get Less, by Blessthefall; for the ongoing attacks on benefits, sorry, strategy for growth, by the Government.

Oops! I Did it Again, by Britney Spears; for the amount of times George Osborne has over-egged the economy’s prospects.

Murder by Numbers, by The Police; for David Cameron after being ticked off by the National Statistics Authority for confusing debt and deficit.

I Hate You But You’re Interesting, by The Beautiful South; for any rival political party which is up for forming another coalition in 2015.