A SPECIAL event is being held to give people their say on how the First World War will be remembered as we approach the 100th anniversary of its historic battles.

Worcester education company Discover History, Remember the Fallen, the Worcestershire Soldier Gallery and other groups are teaming up to run a consultation day on Saturday in the Guildhall from 10am to 4pm.

The event will give people the chance to shape local events between 2014 and 2018 – the First World War raged from 1914 to 1918.

The day will look at how to commemorate famous battles such as Gheluvelt and the Somme, as well as the Home Front and the roles played by women in munitions factories and hospitals.

Paul Harding, of Discover History, said: “We want Worcester people to add to the ideas we already have. Would you like to see an extra special Remembrance service in 2018?

“Would you like to see war memorials adopted by locals schools? Would you like to know what your ancestors did in the war?

“Plans for the centenary will be released once all the consultation and fine planning have been carried out. From 2014, Worcester will remember those who served in the war that touched so many.”

The day will also feature Discover History’s display of weapons and the kind of equipment carried by the normal ‘Tommy’ in the trenches. Historian and author Malcolm Atkin will also be on hand with a Home Guard display from the First World War. For more information about the event, go to discover-history.co.uk.