A MAN who was found by police with three bags of cocaine has been sent to jail.

Richard Calder, age 37, of Rebekah Gardens, Droitwich, was in the passenger seat when police stopped a car in Droitwich on November 7.

They found two full bags of white powder in his jacket pocket and another on his seat.

Kerry Lovegrove, prosecuting at Worcester Magistrates Court, said Calder immediately admitted possessing the drugs. They were for his own use and he had bought them for about £80.

Sam Lamsdale, defending, said Calder’s wife had been seriously ill for a number of months. Calder had been caring for her and their two children and “things were getting a bit much”.

“He bought them (the cocaine) in a weak moment when he was finding it extremely difficult to cope. He thought it would help block out his worries over his wife,” she said.

“He cannot express how much he regrets buying that cocaine.”

Calder admitted possessing Class A drugs and magistrates said they had no choice but to impose a custodial sentence, as the offence was committed while he was on license from a six-year jail sentence for grievous bodily harm.

They sentenced him to four weeks in prison and ordered the cocaine be forfeited and destroyed.