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Death Notice

Nicholas Peter (Nick) Young

Published on 01/04/2022

YOUNG Nicholas Peter (Nick) Passed away on 21st March 2022 aged 67 years. Sadly missed by partner Bonnie, daughter Jess, brother Chris and friends. Funeral service to take place at Worcester Crematorium on Wednesday 13th April at 12:15p.m. Family flowers only please. Donations to Heart Research UK can be sent c/o Bedwardine Funeral Services. 30 Bromyard Road, St Johns, Worcester. WR2 5BT. Tel No. 01905 748811


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Jennifer Heaume April 1st, 2022
May I offer my condolences to you, Bonnie, Jess and family on Nick's passing. You might remember me, my name is Jenny Heaume, Alan (big Al) was my late husband, who worked with Nick at Kays, St Oswalds. My thoughts are with you at this time.