Obituary Submission Form

Please Note:

We do not accept obituaries that are presented more than two months after the date of the funeral. Acknowledgements to hospitals, carers, friends etc will not be included, nor will donation details, these can be placed within a "paid-for" thanks/acknowledgement notice within the family announcements pages.
Please call Classified Advertising on 01905 748300 or CLICK HERE to place your notice online.

Your Name


Your Address


Relationship to the deceased

Husband Wife Widow(er) Son Daughter Other

Title & full name of the deceased

Died On
Age of Deceased
Cause of Death (optional)
Place of Birth
Lived in: Please provide localities.
Most recent address
Employment details: Please include any Armed Services details.
Next of Kin: Including step families if applicable, e.g. two brothers, a sister, a son, a stepdaughter and three grandchildren etc. Christian names not published, nor are in-laws, friends etc.
Funeral held at: Details of church/crematorium etc.
Funeral Director
Date of Funeral
Prior to Cremation/Interment at
Details of the deceased's life: e.g. achievements, connections, hobbies and interests

Upload an Image (Optional)

Must have been taken in the past five years.
Please send as a .jpg attachment. Max file size 5Mb