A HANDYMAN who suffered horrific injuries and lost his job is willing to talk to the man who nearly killed him.

Gavin Judd said he felt no bitterness towards Willmott because he does not believe he intentionally ploughed into him and seven other partygoers outside the Courtyard pub.

"I feel for his wife and family and feel for him because it's ruined his life as much as ours," said the 27-year-old.

Mr Judd suffered 12 broken ribs, a collapsed lung, broken collar bone, broken shoulder blade, crushed back bones - four of which were broken - and torn knee ligaments.

"The only way I can describe it is like a bomb going off," he said.

"The sound of breaking bones is something like a car crash with crushing metal and you never forget that do you?

"The bones were just snapping as if they were twigs."

Mr Judd, of Far Forest, near Bewdley, said even though he did not know he had been hit by Willmott's car he did not want to open his eyes for fear of what he saw.

"When I did open my eyes I just saw blood and knew it was coming from me," he said.

"I thought I was going to die."

The incident left him bed-ridden for five months and caused him to lose his job with a company he had worked for since he left Bewdley High School at the age of 16.

Fourteen months after the crash, Mr Judd set up up his own home improvement business, but he said doing a full day's work is a struggle and admitted the mental scars have still not healed.

"Last August, a load of us went back on the anniversary, August 24, and we did the same route at the same times which I found very difficult," he said. "Me and a few others ended up leaving early because it was too much too soon."

A recent visit to Worcester on a night out also confirmed he had not fully recovered from the ordeal as he had a panic attack while waiting for friends in St Nicholas Street.

However, Mr Judd said he wanted to thank all the medical staff, family, and friends who have helped him recover, as well as two unknown girls who kept him conscious after he was hit by the car.