ACCESS to records of Worcester's history will be vastly improved thanks to a £228,000 Heritage Lottery Fund grant.

Worcestershire County Council's Record Office has been awarded funds for a project to list and improve the historical archives of the city.

The archives, which date from the 1520s, chart the history of markets and fairs, the regulation of charities, residential and business growth, navigation of waterways, running schools and the laying out of railway, tram lines and the roads system. The project is set to coincide with the opening of the new £56.3 million library and history centre in the Butts, where the new office will be situated, scheduled for 2011.

Worcester City Councillor Adrian Gregson, record office project officer, said: "I hope this project will really encourage local people from all walks of life to take an interest in their local heritage and to understand their own identity and local community much more. It is a wonderful opportunity for the city and for the record office."

Anne Jenkins, HLF's regional manager, added: "The project will make it really simple for the public to locate all sorts of information about places they know in Worcester. Thanks to this grant lots of people will be able to take part in activities that will reveal the hidden history of the city and help them to learn valuable research skills."

The University of Worcester and city council are working in partnership with the Record Office - currently based at County Hall - on the project, which will last for three years, starting in April.

The record office is celebrating its 60th anniversary and had nearly 90,000 visitors last year, with nearly 40,000 actively using the resources.