A SCHOOLBOY has ferreted out an eco-award which has landed him and his family a holiday.

Jack Chedgzoy, who lives in Bishops Frome near Bromyard and attends Brockhampton Academy, was crowned this year’s Little Hero in the Future Friendly Awards ceremony at Kew Royal Botanical Gardens in London.

The 10-year-old was selected for his efforts in helping protect and care for the countryside by using ferrets to control pest infestation. He has won an eco-holiday worth £1,000, in the process.

Jack was selected by a panel of sustainability experts from groups including the Energy Saving Trust, Waste Watch and Waterwise.

“I love looking after and protecting the countryside and am so excited about my eco-holiday. I’ve grown up in the countryside and have a great time spending time outdoors,” he said.

“Ferreting is a really good way to control the number of rabbits without damaging crops and the environment. “I hope other kids and grown-ups will see the benefits of ferreting.”

Anne Robinson, the editor of specialist magazine Ferret Time, nominated “inspirational” Jack for the award. She said: “Even at a young age, Jack has shown great dedication helping protect crops and the countryside, and devoting his weekends to this activity, while also caring for the ferrets themselves.”

He has also fostered unwanted animals, and promoted ferreting as a sustainable rural practice for tackling pest control.

The awards are an initiative run by Procter & Gamble (P&G) to recognise communities and individuals committed to making a difference by promoting sustainable living through their actions.