SIR – The European ‘project’ is failing and the Euro is causing economic havoc.

Yet the Brussels cry is always for more and more Europe.

So we can understand why a long-time passionate Europhile such as David Barlow wants to claim the ‘Common Market’ was always about political union.

But it’s clear that it just ain’t so.

Both before Britain joined, and during the 1975 referendum campaign, the same promises were made.

The 1975 No campaign’s claim that the Common Market would be transformed into a European Union was labelled “slanderous” – “if you believe that, you will believe anything.”

“No important new policy can be decided in Brussels without the consent of a British minister answerable to a British government.”

“There is no question of eroding any national sovereignty.”

And even, “those members of the community who want a federal system (i.e. a United States of Europe)... are prepared to forgo their desires so that Britain should be a member.”

So, sorry David – you’ve been caught out rewriting history.

