SIR – I share the Worcester News’ scepticism (Comment, October 26) about Britain’s recovery from recession over the summer. This seems the most sensible response to many of the Con-Dem government’s announcements and initiatives.

How much of the claimed growth in private sector jobs have actually been stolen from the public sector?

In March 2012, Virgin Care was awarded a £500m contract to provide community health services in Surrey.

This took 2,500 NHS staff into the private sector.

Similarly, Serco has taken over £140m health services in Suffolk and taken those staff out of the public sector.

No new jobs were created in either case, whatever the statistics say.

All that will have been achieved is a transfer of taxpayers’ money into wealthy shareholders’ pockets This is not the best way to improve either our health services or the economy.

Your readers should be warned.

When our local Tory politicians talk about commissioning and efficiencies, what they really intend to do is sell public sector jobs to the lowest commercial bidder.

What will it be next in Worcester – the Hub? Bin collections? Local policing?

By the way, Jeremy Hunt, now the Secretary of State for Health, assisted Virgin Care to grab those NHS services in his back yard. So don’t expect him to put patient or staff welfare before ideology anywhere else in the country.


Labour Councillor, Worcester City Council