SCORES of people enjoyed looking at the different motorbikes on who during a Worcestershire festival's biggest bike night.

Bike Nite in Pershore was held as part of the annual Pershore Plum Festival on Thursday evening (August 22), attracting bike enthusiasts and riding clubs from across the West Midlands.

The festival's chair Angela Taylor said: "I believe it was the biggest Bike Nite we have ever had.

"The event started off small some years ago, but has grown and grown and last night, bikes filled every available space.

"Once Broad Street was filled, the bikes spilled out toward St Andrews Road via Defford Road, and after that, there were bikes on Church Walk too."

Bike Nite exhibited an eclectic range of over 500 motorcycles, according to estimates, and even the occasional three-wheeled contraption.

Mrs Taylor added: "The atmosphere was brilliant all night, and Bike Nite has really grown into one of the major events of the Plum Festival."