A business owner is delighted after her massage parlour won an award.

Gem Bunngam, who owns Gem Traditional Thai Massage in Reindeer Court, Worcester celebrated with her team after hearing they had been recognised by the Quality Business Awards.

Mrs Bunngam said: "We (the team) opened a bottle of champagne between us when we heard about the award on Saturday (August 10).

"I'm so pleased. We've been working hard for so many years - it's a big achievement."

Quality Business Awards stated that Gem Traditional Thai Massage has earnt the award through their overall quality score, which exceeds 95% and puts the business amongst the top ranked in Worcester.

News of the award was just what Mrs Bunngam and her team needed after a difficult period.

Mrs Bunngam said: "It has been quite hard in Worcester, as we've often been fighting against small minded people making negative comments around Thai massage.

"But we're grateful to be recognised, and hopeful that awards like these will bring more business."

According to the Quality Business Awards, nominated businesses are put through an evaluation process that assesses factors such as customer reviews, overall quality scores, and a business' reputation across various platforms.