POWICK Community Choir, which won the judges’ special award at last year’s Upton Music Festival, is recruiting new members.

Musical director Tom Wells said: “Ideally we are looking for people with some previous experience of choral work, but I am also interested in anyone who simply has a love of music.

"Our repertoire has developed a great deal in recent years and can be quite challenging. Not only do we regularly perform some of the great choral classics, but also lighter contemporary music.”

The choir rehearses during school terms on Thursday evenings in Callow End School from 6.30pm until 7.45pm, and on Sunday afternoons in Powick village hall between 4.15pm and 5.45pm.

Mr Wells said: "There is no need for choristers to attend both rehearsals each week, although some do. We draw our membership from across the Malvern and Worcester area.”

Anyone interested should contact Mr Wells on 07702 996203 or talwells@btinternet.com.