COPIES of world's oldest continually published newspaper - the Berrow's Worcester Journal - have a new home.

Historic archives of your Worcester News' sister title have been moved in to the expert care of Hartlebury records management specialists Whitefoot-Forward.

With more than 300 years of publications to store, the Berrow's team was keen to ensure the newspapers - some dating back to the 1700s - would be in good hands. The original printed copies contain an irreplaceable record of past life in Worcestershire and are the weekly source of inspiration for columnist Mike Grundy's popular Nostalgia feature.

Past copies of your Worcester News are also being stored by Whitefoot-Forward.

Kevin Ward, editor of the Worcester News, said: "Like any newspaper Berrow's Worcester Journal's storage needs increase on a weekly basis, but when we have more than three centuries of publications to store the needs run a little deeper.

"Whitefoot-Forward recognised the delicacy of some of our records and were able to provide us with a flexible, cost-effective solution with plenty of room to see us through to the paper's 400th birthday in 2090."

Michael Whitefoot, Whitefoot-Forward managing director, said: "It's an honour to be able to look after Berrow's Worcester Journal. To be part of its continuation and history is fantastic."